Java Exception : Exception in Java can be defined as abnormal activity due to unwanted execution of code which should be avoided. But as we know writing too many complex logics can lead to execution of unwanted code and it can disrupt our normal flow. To avoid such scenarios we have an option option called EXCEPTION HANDLING, by using EXCEPTION HANDLING we can make our execution normal in case of any disruption. There are 2 ways to handle the exception. If we want the doubtful code which can throw exception and interrupt our execution flow , in this case we can use try and catch block and can do the required things and log the message that this hasn't work and can print the exact failure message with the help of stack trace. Let's understand with an example : below code is without Exception handling which will through Arithmetic exception. package C4CAMPUS ; public class ExceptionExample { public static void main (String args[]){ int a = 10 ; ...