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Java Operator Tutorial

 JAVA OPERATOR  : Operator are among core concept of writing logical condition and business logic in any programming language .

Simplest operators are Arithmetic Operator which we all know : 

+   : Addition
   : Subtraction 
*   : Multiplication 
   : Division 
% : Remainder

Now next is Assignment operator

 = : To assign any value to any reference name of any type we use this = operator . What is variable in java already explained in my previous post JAVA BASIC OVERVIEW

Example:  int input1=10;  String name = "My name is John Cena";

Along with this operator we can add Arithmetic Operator  to make assignment  simple 

Example : For int input1= input1 + 10 ; it can be simplified by using combination of Addition and equal to operator like  int input1 += 10;  this is same as input1= input1 + 10 ;

  Same way we can simplified for Subtraction, Multiplication , Division and Remainder like :

-= , *= , /= , %=

Relational Operator , mainly used in case of comparison , if comparison is successful true will be return if not false will be return.

>   : To Compare other value is greater than the comparing value or not.

<   : To Compare other value is less than the comparing value or not.

== : To compare two objects if equal or not.

!=  : To Compare other value is not equal to comparing value.

>= : To Compare other value is equal or greater than the comparing value. 

<= : To Compare other value is equal or less than the comparing value.

Logical operator  :

& : & is use for applying  multiple condition together with AND condition.

: | is use for applying  multiple condition together with OR condition.

&& : && is use for applying  multiple condition together with AND condition. Only difference & and && is in case of && if first condition is failed it won't check the next condition while in & all the condition will be check.

|| : || is use for applying  multiple condition together with OR condition. Only difference | and || is in case of || if first condition is failed it won't check the next condition while in | all the condition will be check.

++ : To do pre or post increment on any value.

-- : To do pre or post decrement on any value.

Ternary Operator 

?    :   

Example :    10 > 5 ? "YES" : "NO"; 

 Output will be "Yes" as 10 is greater than 5.

                10 > 50 ? "YES" : "NO"; 

Output will be "NO" as 10 is less than 50.



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